Monday, November 19, 2007

Conservative weasle phrases....

Climate Change is one of my favorites.... it's "abuse use" by the Bushies was designed by a guy named Frank Luntz. The purpose was to avoid using the phrase global warming because that implied a human cause primarily due to C02 emissions. Of course, that is something an oil industry-centric administration would never want to admit to. See they admit that the climate is changing, but they don't want to it admit that it's all the crap we are all dumping into the air.

BTW, there's a phrase for climate change due to human activity and it's called anthropogenic climate change. But that's a pain to pronounce. So let's weasle back at them. I propose instead of saying "climate change" or global warming, we get specific and say "human activity climate change" or HACC (pronounced "hack"). Just a thought....

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