Thursday, July 14, 2005

More News...and some new tunes...

Been working on landing some gigs...I've got a dialog going with the Fine Line Music Cafe' in Minneapolis, and folks in Aberdeen South Dakota...If we can nab a date in Minneapolis we might truck out to Aberdeen to do a show there the following day. Also I have talked to Rob at the Rave. Diamond Nights is playing a show on Monday , July 25th at the Rave Bar and there is a chance to open for them. (UPDATE: 7/15 Rob informed me via e-mail that he was "declining" Soul Amp for this show)

Also I added a couple of interesting tracks to our SonicBids and go to "Audio" and listen to the live tracks. M1, M2 and I tracked these a few weeks ago. We just basically wrote and recorded three tunes in two hours. I think they rock. We'll no doubt be adding these two to the set list for the Main Stage show. Straight up rocking party type songs. A gas to play for sure. We have two others too that I will rotate in in the coming weeks. I'll let you know on the blog when I do.

So I keep plugging away...sending out e-mails making phone calls everyday. The disk artwork is just about done and were looking forward to shipping the master off for duplication.

Lots more stuff on the horizon. It is going to get REALLY interesting....

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